How to Recommonize The Algorithm-dominated Networks?
How to Recommonize The Algorithm-dominated Networks?

This screening and discussion will address whether it is possible to change the hierarchies of oppression and exploitation behind algorithms, and to re-establish a mutual-empowered, alternative-political algorithmic model in place of the current algorithmic ideology and hierarchical order of technological oppression shaped by nation-state and multinational technological giants. furthermore is it possible to recommonize the algorithm-dominated networks? how to reinvent different and innovative algorithmic resistances in our times?
Based on „Is it possible for lightning to be disciplined“ essay film, 24min, 25sec, 2024, by Ma Yongfeng
Please register at
Pate: candle
When / Where
- When: 2024-09-07 17:00:00 UTC
- Starting: 2024-09-07 17:00:00 UTC
- Upto: 2024-09-07 17:00:00 UTC
The c-base is the crashed spacestation in the center of Berlin. Nerds, SciFi-Fans and digital activists founded the society i...