Artemis Training


Artemis Training

Artemis Training
Die c-base bietet wieder Artemis[1] Brueckensimulator- Training fuer alle Interessierten
an. Teilnahme ist kostenlos, es muss lediglich ein Rechner mitgebracht werden. Weitere
Informationen ueber die Mailingliste [2]
Bei gutem Wetter grillen wir ab 14 Uhr.

Artemis is a multiplayer, multi-computer networked game.
Artemis simulates a spaceship bridge by networking several computers together.
One computer runs the simulation and the “main screen”, while the others serve
as workstations for the normal jobs a bridge officer might do, like Helm, Communication,
Engineering, and Weapon Control. Artemis is a social game where several players are
together in one room (“bridge”) , and while they all work together, one player plays the
Captain, a person who sits in the middle, doesn’t have a workstation, and tells everyone
what to do.


When / Where

  • When: 2014-06-28 14:00:00 UTC
  • Starting: 2014-06-28 14:00:00 UTC
  • Upto: 2014-06-28 14:00:00 UTC


The c-base is the crashed spacestation in the center of Berlin. Nerds, SciFi-Fans and digital activists founded the society i...


  • Rungestr. 20 10179 Berlin Germany

Organized by community


community DE 🇩🇪
