CyberSecuritySocial BBQ
CyberSecuritySocial BBQ
FOOD IS OPTIONAL: Please pre-order food here if you'd like to eat via the €10 event contribution or to BTC wallet bc1q95e7u7m2g6cjekm770a8w982z4uhv4p02c5am0 with the option # you'd like:
(Option 1): 2 Burgers
(Option 2): 2 Hot Dogs
(Option 3): 1 Burger, 1 Hot Dog
(Option 4): 2 Vegan Burgers
(Option 5): 2 Vegan Hot Dogs
(Option 6): 1 Vegan Burger, 1 Vegan Hot Dog
Pate: riot
When / Where
- When: 2024-09-07 12:00:00 UTC
- Starting: 2024-09-07 12:00:00 UTC
- Upto: 2024-09-07 12:00:00 UTC
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