Pure Data Stammtisch


Pure Data Stammtisch

Pure Data Stammtisch
Das Treffen der Pure Data User Group findet jeden 1. und 3. Donnerstag im Monat ab 20:00 Uhr im Seminarraum der c-base statt.

Pure Data ist eine grafische Programmiersprache für Audio und Video mit Schnittstellen für externe Sensoren wie Arduino etc.

Weitere Infos unter http://puredata.info/
kontakt: amphibious auf c-base punkt org


What we do:

The meetings dont replace workshops (which are offerd extra ;) ),
scope of these meetings can be any (or none) of the following:

patch/project showcase
work on general Pd documentation
help for beginners (installation, programming tips, ...)
or something else you want to do ...
Just come along, bring your laptop,drinks and food, and sit down with
us.The bar is open during the meetings. Necessary prerequisites are
only a computer and good mood. If Pd isn't on it, we'll download and
install it.


We thank C-Base for providing the space and network for the
meetings.Meetings will take place in C-Bases "Seminarraum". Door will
most likely be open and someone at the bar.

When / Where

  • When: 2014-05-15 18:00:00 UTC
  • Starting: 2014-05-15 18:00:00 UTC
  • Upto: 2014-05-15 18:00:00 UTC


The c-base is the crashed spacestation in the center of Berlin. Nerds, SciFi-Fans and digital activists founded the society i...


  • Rungestr. 20 10179 Berlin Germany

Organized by community


community DE 🇩🇪
