Workshop FPGA Introduction


Workshop FPGA Introduction

Workshop FPGA Introduction

Presentation of FPGA technology
Getting started with the design tools
Verilog introduction
Hands-on: basic functions + implementation of a small audio generator or LED blinker
Simulation techniques
VHDL overview for those who wish
Workshop language will be English.


Suitable for FPGA beginners
Bring your laptop, preferably with Linux. Try to get one with a good screen resolution, lots of RAM, at least 2GB of free disk space and a fast CPU, as the FPGA tools are pretty resource-intensive. Also, the FPGA tools are x86 only.
Bring an FPGA board with some LEDs and switches. Any manufacturer (Altera, Xilinx, Lattice, ...) . There will be some spare boards, but try to bring more/your own.
Bring any required JTAG or power supply cables.
IMPORTANT: Install programming software from the FPGA manufacturer. For Xilinx boards, you can download "ISE Webpack". Warning! Big files and slow installation.
Suggested boards
You can (and should) bring your own board if you already have one, but if you plan on buying one here are some suggestions:

Spartan 3A Evaluation Kit ($49) with PSoC / JTAG cable not required. For programming this one, check out
Spartan-6 FPGA SP601 Evaluation Kit ($295) / JTAG cable not required. The latest FPGAs from Xilinx.
Spartan 3E Starter Kit ($149) / JTAG cable not required
Spartan 3A Starter Kit ($189) / JTAG cable included
Available boards
I will bring two Milkymist One boards (maybe a dozen if we have manufactured them on time), and one Xilinx ML401 board for participants who don't have their FPGA board. Several participants can share one board, and designs can also be simulated.

See also my previous FPGA workshops (French/English):
Please subscribe to this event by sending an e-mail to lekernel at c-base dot org if you plan attending! Thank you.

Read on here:

When / Where

  • When: 2010-12-08 17:00:00 UTC
  • Starting: 2010-12-08 17:00:00 UTC
  • Upto: 2010-12-08 17:00:00 UTC


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