Ruby World 2024

RubyWorld Conference
RubyWorld Conference is the largest business conference in Japan for the programming language Ruby.
We hope that it will be an opportunity to think about the diffusion and growth of ruby in terms of how it fits into and penetrates the diverse real world, and aims to further spread and develop Ruby and promote business use. By transmitting information on advanced use cases, the latest technology trends, and the situation of developer education, we will hold the event as a place to learn about the ecosystem of Ruby.
Conference summary
2024 December 5 (Thu)
2024 December 6 (Fri)
International Conference Hall (3F) and Large Exhibition Hall (1F), Shimane Prefectural Convention Center "Kunibiki Messe"
Executive Committee for RubyWorld Conference
Ruby Association / Shimane Prefectural Government / Matsue Municipal Government / Shimane University / Matsue College of Technology / JETRO Matsue / Shimane Industrial Promotion Foundation / Shimane Information Technology Industry Association / Open Source Software Society Shimane / METI Chugoku (Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry)
When / Where
- When: 2024-12-05 10:00:00 UTC
- Starting: 2024-12-05 10:00:00 UTC
- Upto: 2024-12-05 10:00:00 UTC