CADR hackspace

RU 🇷🇺 /


CADR is a hackerspace in Nizhniy Novgorod city, Russia. We're looking for interested people for participating in the project.

CADR is a non-commercial organization (though not registered officially yet) and we don't have membership fee, but we're accepting donations in the form of equipment and money; all the donations go for maintaining and improving our hackerspace. With the given resources we're helping our local community of tinkerers and hackers and creative people to grow and prosper.

The CADR name is formed from two basic Lisp operations -- car and cdr. cadr operation returns the second element of a list.

The hackerspace occupies two separate spaces: a room that is kindly provided by Nizhniy Novgorod Technical College (it's currently open for students to participate in hackerspace activities), and the new room (called COPYCADR or CADR 2.0) that is not affiliated with the college.

If you want to visit the hackerspace then please contact CADR members through our mailing list or by other means at least one day before the visit.

An (un)complete list of equipment:

CNC Mill
Three 3D printers.
Soldering station.
Digital oscilloscope.
Arduino of various kinds and other microcontrollers
Arduino sensors, breadboards, wires etc.
Single-board computers (Raspberry Pi, Hackberry, etc.)
Several GNU/Linux workstations
Various electronic components and *lots of LEDs*.
Basic tools for woodworking
Lots of cruft that waits to be used in projects. ;-)


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