About us
"Letters and Numbers" are a team of four people who met in Yerevan and didn`t know each other before we moved here. How did we get the idea to open a coffee shop? People in Armenia love and drink a lot of coffee, but there weren`t many places where you could drink delicious and high quality coffee. In the search for a suitable location, we decided to open a coffee shop in the format of "coworking + coffee shop", because in the city is clearly lack of places where you can sit with a laptop for personal or work matters. When discussing name options we remembered that in the Armenian alphabet letters can act as both letters and numbers at the same time, and all our communication is essentially a flow of numbers and letters. We are in a quite unique location: we are in the very center, but we are hidden from the roar of cars, we have our own small garden and swimming pool. And the location itself obliges: once it was the studio of architect Varazdat Arevshatyan, after more than 20 years the restaurant "At Gayane". We still have many regular visitors, including guests from distant countries. In general, we got a room with history, so we did not completely mop it up, but rethought and made an updated version of this place. We already have their own feature. For example, the "five o`clock". Nearby is the bell tower of the Church of St. Zoravor, which rings every 5 pm. You don`t even have to watch the clock.
- No checkins -Features

- When: 2024-08-10 18:00:00 UTC
- Where: Letters and Numbers, - Yerevan, Tumanyan, 35g
- Country: AM 🇦🇲