NYC Resistor

US πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ new-york / 87 3rd Avenue, 4th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217 New York City United States of America


NYC Resistor is a hackerspace in New York, inspired by Chaos Computer Club and other hacker organizations. According to the NYC Resistor's website, "NYC Resistor is a hacker collective with a shared space located in downtown Brooklyn. We meet regularly to share knowledge, hack on projects together, and build community."
About page for

NYCResistor is an LLC.

The Founding Members of NYCResistor are:

Bred Pettis - Instigator with video trigger finger.
George Shammas - Breaks things to fix them.
Zach Smith - Rapid-prototyper and self-replicater.
Eric Skiff - Gameboy musician and crowd control.
Nick Bilton - Hardware, Processing, Frontend/CSS Ninja.
Dave Clausen - Micro-hacker and structural engineer.
Raphael Abrams - Artist and keeper of the servos (TeuThis).
Diana Eng - Softronics, Fashion, Hardware.
Pat Gallagher - RPRT (Robotics)


NYC Resistor encourages participation by anyone who feels they can contribute. Nonmembers are welcome to attend Craft Nights and other public events, as well as take part in classes on a variety of subjects. Visiting beyond this can be arranged on a case by case basis with current members.

Physical Space

In February 2008 NYC Resistor took up residence at 397 Bridge Street in Brooklyn NY's MetroTech area. The 800+ sqft warehouse conversion houses, a small kitchen, several shop tables, an epilog laser cutter, and a small machine shop. Numerous electronics projects and personal tools litter shelves of members at the space. A drink mixing robot also has become a permanent fixture at the location.
In April of 2009 NYC Resistor acquired the neighboring space and turned it into a machine / cnc shop. NYCR now occupies two separate lofts on the same floor of our building.

In March 2010, NYC Resistor moved to a much larger space at 87 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217, between Bergen and Dean Street. They run the entire fourth floor of the building, with rooms for power tools, hacking tables, laser cutting, and hanging out. They share the building with Makerbot, a 3D printing startup that formed out of the NYCR community.


- No checkins -



  • 87 3rd Avenue, 4th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217 New York City United States of America
